Today is the 10th of January, 2021. I have had an exciting time in Sweden! The first time I was able to see the partial solar eclipse. This was so cool.
Let's look at what is the solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned. (from Wikipedia)
When I came to the office, my friend said to me we can see the solar eclipse today, my first impression was that we can really see the partial solar eclipse. I didn’t believe it. We didn’t have a good camera. He drilled a small circle inside a paper for me. The solar eclipse was in the lunch time. When we went outside for the lunch, I realized that I left my circle-drilled paper on my desk. Also, I forgot to bring my work phone, which is so good to take pictures, and my sunglasses to the office, I didn’t think I can catch a good picture with my personal phone. I despaired.
When the solar eclipse time came, we couldn’t look at the sun directly, and we didn't see anything with a phone camera. The sun was so bright.
My friend showed me the eclipse using circle-drilled paper. That’s was so interesting.
Usually you need a cloud to decrease sunlight and we can see the sun more easily. When the cloud came in front of the sun, finally, we were able to see the solar eclipse directly, I shocked, and yelled :) Yes, look at what I was seeing!! I took these pictures with my phone camera. It was my normal life. Always I think that I couldn’t, but I can do it. I forgot every bad time in my life. Thank you life, you gave me an unforgettable moment.
As you know, it is too dangerous to look at sun directly. It can cause severe damage. After this event, I couldn’t see properly for a while :) I hope I won’t have any damage.
Another interesting thing is cloud seems like Turkey map in the picture. Do you think it is a sign about seing real sunny days in Turkey(literally)????